Art Restoration
Art Restoration
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Freedom Tower Miami Mural, "New World Mural 1513"
Contact Us to make and appointment : Phone 786 - 239 - 0118
Freedom Tower Miami Mural 1988 Bronze Wall Plaque
This mural represents the first recorded landfall of Ponce De Leon's 1513 expedition to Florida and the North American continent and the first encounter with the South Florida Native American Tequesta culture. Historically the mural represents 'first discovery' by a European as was recorded in the Gold Coast histories written in 1605 from the ship's logs in the possession of the author Hererra at the time.
This mural was a total recreation on new canvas by the Miami Artisans Group in 1988 from scraps of the original 1926 version and old black and white photos from the 1940s. Due to confusion and frustration, the authorities of Miami have neglected to include a plaque of title, dedication and discovery. This go fund me request is to rectify this neglect by placing a bronze plaque with title,artists and the mural's unique cultural credits as would be expected when found within any major City Museum around the world. The Freedom Tower was listed with a National Landmark status but whilst mentioning the mural's presence, the affidavit did not express the mural's true significance. We, the last remaining artists from the Miami Artisans Group, would like to ask for your financial assistance and cultural support to help us have a bronze wall plaque the mural deserves. This will end the confusion thousands of visitors have and add the rightful title of first landing that St. Augustine relinquished prior to the State of Florida's Viva 500 celebration in 2013, seven years ago. Since that year we, the last two artists from the group still living in Miami, have repaired damages and helped the Museum with their ability to explain the mural's significance in recent years. We would like to present the Museum with a real plaque with funds enough to event an unveiling.
The New World 1513 mural has many historical and multicultural references, touchstones in understanding our human endeavors.
Thank you for reading and visiting the Freedom Tower Miami's mural plaque go fund me page.
The plaque will include.....title, author, commission, etc.
''The New World 1513'' mural by The Miami Artisans Group 1988
list of six artists, poem's authorship and national credit, historical description, cultural meaning and reasoning.
Cost of plaque $8500-$10,000 plus $2,000 installation event.
The last remaining three artists who control the mural's reproduction rights by copy would like to be able to utilize their accomplishment without false contradictions.
please visit MDC's page about the New World 1513 mural and our website and fan page on Facebook....